Alrighty, time to start my first series of hobby posts. So, as I have stated previously, I have been getting into Warmahordes pretty heavily. I was once a die hard GW follower, but have since fallen out of interest with them. I may or may not get into that at a much later date. For now I want to focus on stuff that is making me very happy and excited to hobby again:
My local group and I had all kinda decided the same thing about GW and wanted to do something else. A few of them already had some Warmachine stuff so as a group we all decide to do this. We made plans to build some tables and unanimously decided to jsut start at the beginner point total of 15. Easy and relatively easy to do on a budget.
Now my first foray into the Iron Kingdoms was
It was an extremely easy choice for me. I loved the look of the models and the story of their history and exploits. Now, keep in mind, when I build paint and play armies these days I usually base my decisions on what looks cool to me and what I want to paint. I do not instantly go after the "power" armies and/or units.
I knew exactly zero about the game, how it worked and played, or how the units built synergy with one another. I literally just flipped through the Trollbloods book and said,
"Ah snap, Madrak is a badass looking mother fucker. I am using him!"
Besides, he is called "The World Ender". Why wouldn't I use him.
I selected a few other units to add to the mix to give me my 15 points of beat down (with a few options). Alas, my first few games did not go well for me. I adjusted my tactics and added some different models to the mix. I started winning a few games and definitely had a better grasp of the tactics of the game.
BUT, as with most people that I hobby with, my gamer ADD kicked in and I was soon looking for a new army to add to my collection. This time I really took my time pouring over the different books and reading about all sorts of different factions. Soon though, I found them!
I fell in love with some Seaforge Mercenaries. I have opted for using Durgen Madhammer for my caster. I have not yet set down a solid 15 points yet, cause the have so much COOL stuff to play with, but I have a list that I am working from.
Which brings this long winded post to its true meaning. I am going to start showcasing my work on my Mercs for everyone to see. Here is the start to my Madhammer:
I have decided to go with a purple and cream (bone) quartered them for the entire army. Cause lets face it, I cant do ANYTHING easy. I will try and post at least once a week with updates and some staged photos. This is just the base coats so far.
Hope you all enjoy. And trust me, these will get better with practice. Tell next time....
Dude, it's awesome that you've entered the Iron Kingdoms and made your foray into WarmaHordes! I got into WarmaHordes myself recently with Legion of Everblight and Cryx! Maybe we can meet up some faithful day and battle in an epic battle where there can be no winner! I'm not sure what would happen, but I'm pretty sure the entire world would be destroyed.